
From Onset Developer Wiki
Revision as of 08:38, 20 December 2019 by 28days (talk | contribs)

This is a quick newbie guide to what debugging is and how to do it.

Debugging is the process of adding messages into your code to provide insight of the script's process or working. The debugging helps us to find out where the issue occurs, which can help us where exactly our issue is present or is coming from. The errors in the code can be a huge problem as they can skip the code or crash the server where they occcur.

Steam Client Options

This process is based on few different techniques, the first one is to add (print) messages, which can help you which part of the code gets run and what values you are getting.

The second technique is to rely on server by checking the server_log.txt or the console window, and as for the client you can run the game with -dev launch argument to run the game in development mode, which prints client side script errors in the chat if you have this piece of code in your script* and also you can find the errors in your %appdata%\..\Local\Onset\Saved\Logs folder.

Please note that you can not debug your web UIs with this method, and has to be done externally! You can use alert() in your JS code to test whether your code works not.


    If a script error occurs display it in the chat.
    This only works if the game was started with "-dev" switch
function OnScriptError(message)
    AddPlayerChat('<span color="#ff0000bb" style="bold" size="10">'..message..'</>')
AddEvent("OnScriptError", OnScriptError)