
From Onset Developer Wiki
Revision as of 15:11, 25 February 2022 by BlueMountains (talk | contribs)
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bool IsValid()
UClass GetClass()
string GetClassName()
string GetName()
string GetPathName()
string GetClassPathName()
integer GetUniqueID()
bool IsA(UClass Class)
ReturnValues... ProcessEvent(string FunctionName, varargs Args)
static UClass Class()
static UClass Class()
void Destroy()
void DestroyComponent()
AActor GetOwner()
void SetComponentTickEnabled(bool bEnabled)
bool IsComponentTickEnabled()
void SetComponentTickInterval(float TickInterval)
float GetComponentTickInterval()
void RecreatePhysicsState()
bool ComponentHasTag(string Tag)
bool ComponentAddTag(string Tag)
bool ComponentRemoveTag(string Tag)
static UClass Class()
void SetMovementMode(EMovementMode NewMovementMode, integer NewCustomMode)
static UClass Class()
integer RegisterForSense(any L)
integer UnregisterFromSense(any L)
static UClass Class()
void SetWorldLocation(FVector NewLocation)
void SetWorldRotation(FRotator NewRotation)
void SetWorldScale3D(FVector NewScale)
FVector GetWorldLocation()
FRotator GetWorldRotation()
FVector GetWorldScale3D()
void SetRelativeLocation(FVector NewLocation)
void SetRelativeRotation(FRotator NewRotation)
void SetRelativeScale3D(FVector NewScale)
FVector GetRelativeLocation()
FRotator GetRelativeRotation()
FVector GetRelativeScale3D()
FVector GetForwardVector()
FVector GetRightVector()
FVector GetUpVector()
void SetHiddenInGame(bool bNewHidden, bool bPropagateToChildren)
void SetMobility(integer Mobility)
integer GetMobility()
FVector GetSocketLocation(string InSocketName)
FRotator GetSocketRotation(string InSocketName)
bool DoesSocketExist(string InSocketName)
Table GetAllSocketNames()
void SetVisibility(bool bNewVisibility, bool bPropagateToChildren)
bool AttachToComponent(USceneComponent InLuaParent, FAttachmentTransformRules AttachmentRules, string InSocketName)
static UClass Class()
float GetMass()
void SetMassOverrideInKg(string BoneName, float MassInKG, bool bNewOverrideMass)
void SetMaterial(integer ElementIndex, UMaterialInterface LuaMaterialInterface)
UMaterialInterface GetMaterial(integer ElementIndex)
integer GetNumMaterials()
UMaterialInstanceDynamic CreateDynamicMaterialInstance(integer ElementIndex)
void SetPhysicsLinearVelocity(FVector NewVel, bool bAddToCurrent, string BoneName)
void SetPhysicsAngularVelocityInDegrees(FVector NewAngVel, bool bAddToCurrent, string BoneName)
FVector GetPhysicsLinearVelocity(string BoneName)
FVector GetPhysicsLinearVelocityAtPoint(FVector Point, string BoneName)
FVector GetPhysicsAngularVelocityInDegrees(string BoneName)
void AddImpulseAtLocation(FVector Impulse, FVector Location, string BoneName)
bool IsSimulatingPhysics(string BoneName)
void SetSimulatePhysics(bool bSimulate)
integer GetMaterialFromCollisionFaceIndex(integer FaceIndex)
FVector GetInertiaTensor(string BoneName)
void SetEnableGravity(bool bGravityEnabled)
void SetCollisionEnabled(integer NewType)
void SetAngularDamping(float InDamping)
void SetLinearDamping(float InDamping)
void SetReceivesDecals(bool bNewReceivesDecals)
void SetRenderCustomDepth(bool bEnable)
void SetCollisionResponseToChannel(ECollisionChannel Channel, ECollisionResponse NewResponse)
static UClass Class()
static UClass Class()
void SetCapsuleHalfHeight(float HalfHeight, bool bUpdateOverlaps)
float GetUnscaledCapsuleHalfHeight()
void SetCapsuleRadius(float Radius, bool bUpdateOverlaps)
float GetUnscaledCapsuleRadius()
void SetCapsuleSize(float InRadius, float InHalfHeight, bool bUpdateOverlaps)
static UClass Class()
void SetTemplate(UParticleSystem NewTemplate)
void SetFloatParameter(string ParameterName, float Param)
void SetColorParameter(string ParameterName, FLinearColor Param)
void SetEmitterEnable(string EmitterName, bool bNewEnableState)
bool HasCompleted()
static UClass Class()
integer GetMaterialIndex(string MaterialSlotName)
Table GetMaterialSlotNames()
void SetFloatParameterOnMaterials(string ParameterName, float Value)
void SetColorParameterOnMaterials(string ParameterName, FLinearColor NewColor)
static UClass Class()
void ShowMaterialSection(integer MaterialID, integer SectionIndex, bool bShow, integer LODIndex)
void ShowAllMaterialSections(integer LODIndex)
void SetMasterPoseComponent(USkinnedMeshComponent LuaNewMasterBoneComponent, bool bForceUpdate)
integer GetNumBones()
integer GetBoneIndex(string BoneName)
string GetBoneName(integer BoneIndex)
string GetSocketBoneName(string InSocketName)
bool BoneIsChildOf(string BoneName, string ParentBoneName)
static UClass Class()
void SetSkeletalMesh(USkeletalMesh LuaSkeletalMesh, bool bReinitPose)
USkeletalMesh GetSkeletalMesh()
float GetBoneMass(string BoneName, bool bScaleMass)
void SetMorphTarget(string MorphName, float NewValue)
float GetMorphTarget(string MorphName)
void ClearMorphTargets()
void SetGlobalAnimRateScale(float GlobalAnimRateScale)
float GetGlobalAnimRateScale()
void SetPauseAnims(bool bPause)
bool GetPauseAnims()
void SetNoSkeletonUpdate(bool bNoSkeletonUpdate)
bool GetNoSkeletonUpdate()
void InitAnim(bool bForceReInit)
UAnimInstance GetAnimInstance()
void SetAnimInstanceClass(UClass NewClass)
void LinkAnimClassLayers(UClass InClass)
void UnlinkAnimClassLayers(UClass InClass)
UAnimInstance GetLinkedAnimLayerInstanceByClass(UClass InClass)
UAnimInstance GetLinkedAnimGraphInstanceByTag(string InTag)
void LinkAnimGraphByTag(string InTag, UClass InClass)
UAnimInstance GetPostProcessInstance()
void ToggleDisablePostProcessBlueprint()
bool GetDisablePostProcessBlueprint()
void SetDisablePostProcessBlueprint(bool bInDisablePostProcess)
bool HasValidAnimationInstance()
void ResetAnimInstanceDynamics(ETeleportType InTeleportType)
void SetAnimationMode(EAnimationMode::Type InAnimationMode)
EAnimationMode::Type GetAnimationMode()
void PlayAnimation(UAnimationAsset NewAnimToPlay, bool bLooping)
void SetAnimation(UAnimationAsset NewAnimToPlay)
void Play(bool bLooping)
void Stop()
bool IsPlaying()
void SetPosition(float InPos, bool bFireNotifies)
float GetPosition()
void SetPlayRate(float Rate)
float GetPlayRate()
void OverrideAnimationData(UAnimationAsset InAnimToPlay, bool bIsLooping, bool bIsPlaying, float Position, float PlayRate)
void SetAllBodiesBelowSimulatePhysics(string BoneName, bool bNewSimulate, bool bIncludeSelf)
void SetEnableBodyGravity(bool bEnableGravity, string BoneName)
bool IsBodyGravityEnabled(string BoneName)
void SetEnableGravityOnAllBodiesBelow(bool bEnableGravity, string BoneName, bool bIncludeSelf)
void AddForceToAllBodiesBelow(FVector Force, string BoneName, bool bAccelChange, bool bIncludeSelf)
void AddImpulseToAllBodiesBelow(FVector Impulse, string BoneName, bool bVelChange, bool bIncludeSelf)
static UClass Class()
void SetStaticMesh(UStaticMesh LuaStaticMesh)
UStaticMesh GetStaticMesh()
static UClass Class()
void SetText(string NewText)
void SetTextMaterial(UMaterialInterface LuaMaterial)
void SetTextRenderColor(FLinearColor NewColor)
void SetHorizontalAlignment(integer Value)
void SetVerticalAlignment(integer Value)
void SetWorldSize(float Value)
void SetXScale(float Value)
void SetYScale(float Value)
void SetHorizSpacingAdjust(float Value)
void SetVertSpacingAdjust(float Value)
FVector GetTextLocalSize()
FVector GetTextWorldSize()
static UClass Class()
void SetCastShadows(bool bNewValue)
static UClass Class()
void SetIntensity(float NewIntensity)
void SetLightColor(FLinearColor NewLightColor)
static UClass Class()
void SetAttenuationRadius(float NewRadius)
void SetIntensityUnits(integer NewIntensityUnits)
static UClass Class()
void SetLightFalloffExponent(float NewLightFalloffExponent)
void SetSoftSourceRadius(float NewValue)
void SetSourceLength(float NewValue)
void SetSourceRadius(float NewValue)
static UClass Class()
void SetInnerConeAngle(float NewInnerConeAngle)
void SetOuterConeAngle(float NewOuterConeAngle)
static UClass Class()
void SetBarnDoorAngle(float NewValue)
void SetBarnDoorLength(float NewValue)
void SetSourceHeight(float NewValue)
void SetSourceTexture(UTexture NewTexture)
void SetSourceWidth(float NewValue)
static UClass Class()
static UMaterialInterface LoadFromAsset(string AssetPath)
void SetFloatParameter(string ParameterName, float Value)
void SetColorParameter(string ParameterName, FLinearColor NewColor)
void SetTextureParameter(string ParameterName, UTexture NewTexture)
float GetFloatParameter(string ParameterName)
FLinearColor GetColorParameter(string ParameterName)
UTexture GetTextureParameter(string ParameterName)
void SetFloatParameter(string ParameterName, float Value)
FBoxSphereBounds GetBounds()
FBox GetBoundingBox()
FVector GetBoundingBoxSize()
void SetPostProcessAnimBlueprint(UClass NewAnimClass)
static USkeletalMesh LoadFromAsset(string AssetPath)
FBoxSphereBounds GetBounds()
FBox GetBoundingBox()
FVector GetBoundingBoxSize()
static UStaticMesh LoadFromAsset(string AssetPath)
void ReleaseTexture()
static UTexture2D LoadFromAsset(string AssetPath)
static UTexture2D LoadFromFile(string FilePath)
bool HasRootMotion()
float GetPlayLength()
integer GetNumberOfFrames()
float GetFrameRate()
static UAnimSequence LoadFromAsset(string AssetPath)
UAnimMontage PlaySlotAnimationAsDynamicMontage(UAnimSequenceBase Asset, string SlotNodeName, float BlendInTime, float BlendOutTime, float InPlayRate, integer LoopCount, float BlendOutTriggerTime, float InTimeToStartMontageAt)
void StopSlotAnimation(float InBlendOutTime, string SlotNodeName)
bool IsAnyMontagePlaying()
static USoundCue LoadFromAsset(string AssetPath)
static UParticleSystem LoadFromAsset(string AssetPath)
bool Destroy()
Table GetComponents()
Table GetComponentsByClass(UClass Class)
CastedType AddComponent(UClass Class, UObject Object)
bool SetRootComponent(USceneComponent NewRootComponent)
USceneComponent GetRootComponent()
bool SetActorLocation(FVector NewLocation)
FVector GetActorLocation()
bool SetActorRotation(FRotator NewRotation)
FRotator GetActorRotation()
void SetActorScale3D(FVector NewScale)
FVector GetActorScale3D()
void SetActorRelativeLocation(FVector NewRelativeLocation)
void SetActorRelativeRotation(FRotator NewRelativeRotation)
FVector GetActorForwardVector()
FVector GetActorRightVector()
FVector GetActorUpVector()
FVector GetVelocity()
void SetActorHiddenInGame(bool bNewHidden)
void SetActorEnableCollision(bool bNewActorEnableCollision)
bool GetActorEnableCollision()
bool ActorHasTag(string Tag)
bool ActorAddTag(string Tag)
bool ActorRemoveTag(string Tag)
Table GetActorTags()
void AttachToActor(AActor LuaParentActor, FAttachmentTransformRules AttachmentRules, string SocketName)
void DetachFromActor(FDetachmentTransformRules DetachmentRules)
Table GetAttachedActors()
AActor GetAttachParentActor()
void SetActorTickEnabled(bool bEnabled)
bool IsActorTickEnabled()
void SetActorTickInterval(float TickInterval)
float GetActorTickInterval()
static UClass Class()
void AddControllerYawInput(float Val)
void AddControllerPitchInput(float Val)
FRotator GetControlRotation()
void AddMovementInput(FVector WorldDirection, float ScaleValue, bool bForce)
AController GetController()
static UClass Class()
USkeletalMeshComponent GetMesh()
void PlayBloodDecalEffects()
ACharacter GetCharacter()
APawn GetPawn()
FRotator GetControlRotation()
FRotator GetDesiredRotation()
bool IsPlayerController()
void SetControlRotation(FRotator NewRotation)
static UClass Class()
static UClass Class()
UStaticMeshComponent GetStaticMeshComponent()
static UClass Class()
USkeletalMeshComponent GetSkeletalMeshComponent()
static UClass Class()
void SetMobility(EComponentMobility::Type InMobility)
static UClass Class()
static UClass Class()
static UClass Class()
static UClass Class()
AActor SpawnActor(UClass Class, FVector Location, Rotation Rotation)
UParticleSystemComponent SpawnEmitterAtLocation(UParticleSystem LuaParticleSystem, FVector Location, FRotator Rotation, FVector Scale)
UParticleSystemComponent SpawnEmitterAttached(UParticleSystem LuaParticleSystem, USceneComponent AttachComponent, string BoneName, FVector Location, FRotator Rotation, integer AttachLocation)
UAudioComponent SpawnSoundAtLocation(USoundBase LuaSound, FVector Location)
UAudioComponent SpawnSoundAttached(USoundBase LuaSound, USceneComponent AttachComponent, string BoneName, FVector Location, integer AttachLocation)
UDecalComponent SpawnDecalAttached(UMaterialInterface LuaMaterial, FVector DecalSize, USceneComponent AttachComponent, string BoneName, FVector Location, FRotator Rotation, float LifeSpan, integer AttachLocation)
UDecalComponent SpawnDecalAtLocation(UMaterialInterface LuaMaterial, FVector DecalSize, FVector Location, FRotator Rotation, float LifeSpan)
string GetMapName()
APlayerController GetFirstPlayerController()
Table GetActorsByClass(UClass Class)
Table GetAllActorsWithTag(string TagName)
UWeapon NewWeapon(integer Identifier)
bool RegisterWeapon(UWeapon LuaWeapon)
void SetModelName(string NewName)
void SetWeaponType(integer WeaponType)
void SetWeaponSubType(integer WeaponSubType)
void SetWeaponModel(USkeletalMesh LuaSkeletalMesh)
void SetStaticWeaponModel(UStaticMesh LuaStaticMesh)
void SetMeshScale(FVector MeshScale)
void SetEquipTime(float EquipTime)
void SetUnequipTime(float UnequipTime)
void SetAimWalkSpeed(float AimWalkSpeed)
void SetCameraAimTargetOffset(FVector CameraAimOffset)
void SetCameraAimFoV(float AimFoV)
void SetAimBlendTime(float AimBlendTime)
void SetRange(float Range)
void SetRecoil(float Recoil)
void SetCameraShake(float CameraShake)
void SetCameraShakeCrouching(float CameraShakeCrouching)
void SetSpreadMin(float SpreadMin)
void SetSpreadMax(float SpreadMax)
void SetSpreadMovementModifier(float SpreadMovementModifier)
void SetSpreadCrouchingModifier(float SpreadCrouchingModifier)
void SetRateOfFire(float RateOfFire)
void SetMagazineModel(UStaticMesh MagazineModel)
void SetMagazineSize(integer MagazineSize)
void SetMagazineDropTime(float MagazineDropTime)
void SetScope(bool bScope)
void SetShotSound(USoundCue ShotSound)
void SetShotAnimation(UAnimSequence ShotAnimation)
void SetShotAnimationTime(float ShotAnimationTime)
void SetMuzzleFlash(UParticleSystem MuzzleFlash)
void SetShellDelay(float ShellDelay)
void SetProjectileShell(UParticleSystem ProjectileShell)
void SetShellSmoke(UParticleSystem ShellSmoke)
void SetAttachmentLocationModifier(FVector AttachmentLocationModifier)
void SetAttachmentRotationModifier(FRotator AttachmentRotationModifier)
void SetReloadAnimation(UAnimSequence ReloadAnimation)
void SetReloadAnimationTime(float ReloadAnimationTime)
void SetCharacterReloadAnimation(UAnimSequence CharacterReloadAnimation)
void SetLeftHandIKLocation(FVector LeftHandIKLocation)
void SetLeftHandARIdleIKLocation(FVector LeftHandARIdleIKLocation)
void SetLeftHandARIdleIKLocationCrouching(FVector LeftHandARIdleIKLocationCrouching)
void SetHUDImage(UTexture2D HUDImage)
void SetAllowAimWhileCrouching(bool bAllowAimWhileCrouching)
void SetZoomInSound(USoundCue ZoomInSound)
void SetZoomOutSound(USoundCue ZoomOutSound)
void SetEquipSound(USoundCue EquipSound)
void SetUnequipSound(USoundCue UnequipSound)
void SetReloadStartSound(USoundCue ReloadStartSound)
void SetReloadEndSound(USoundCue ReloadEndSound)
void SetNoAmmoSound(USoundCue NoAmmoSound)
integer GetWeaponType()
static UClass LoadFromAsset(string AssetPath)
float X
float Y
FVector2D __add(FVector2D V)
FVector2D __sub(FVector2D V)
FVector2D __mul(float Scale)
FVector2D __div(float Scale)
float __pow(FVector2D V)
bool __eq(FVector2D V)
string __tostring()
void Set(float InX, float InY)
float GetMax()
float GetAbsMax()
float GetMin()
float Size()
float SizeSquared()
FVector2D GetRotated(float AngleDeg)
void Normalize(float Tolerance)
bool IsNearlyZero(float Tolerance)
bool IsZero()
FVector2D ClampAxes(float MinAxisVal, float MaxAxisVal)
FVector2D GetAbs()
bool InitFromString(string InSourceString)
static float DotProduct(FVector2D A, FVector2D B)
static float DistSquared(FVector2D V1, FVector2D V2)
static float Distance(FVector2D V1, FVector2D V2)
static float CrossProduct(FVector2D A, FVector2D B)
static FVector2D Max(FVector2D A, FVector2D B)
static FVector2D Min(FVector2D A, FVector2D B)
float X
float Y
float Z
string __tostring()
FVector __add(FVector V)
FVector __sub(FVector V)
bool __eq(FVector V)
FVector __mul(float Scale)
FVector __div(float Scale)
FVector __pow(FVector V)
float Size()
float SizeSquared()
FVector GetAbs()
bool IsZero()
bool IsNearlyZero(float Tolerance)
bool IsNormalized()
bool Normalize(float Tolerance)
FVector Projection()
FVector RotateAngleAxis(float AngleDeg, FVector Axis)
float CosineAngle2D(FVector B)
FVector ProjectOnTo(FVector A)
FVector ProjectOnToNormal(FVector Normal)
FRotator ToOrientationRotator()
FRotator Rotation()
static FVector CrossProduct(FVector A, FVector B)
static float DotProduct(FVector A, FVector B)
static bool PointsAreSame(FVector P, FVector Q)
static bool PointsAreNear(FVector Point1, FVector Point2, float Dist)
static float PointPlaneDist(FVector Point, FVector PlaneBase, FVector PlaneNormal)
static float Dist(FVector V1, FVector V2)
static float Distance(FVector V1, FVector V2)
static float DistSquared(FVector V1, FVector V2)
static float DistSquaredXY(FVector V1, FVector V2)
static float BoxPushOut(FVector Normal, FVector Size)
static FVector RadiansToDegrees(FVector RadVector)
static FVector DegreesToRadians(FVector DegVector)
float W
float PlaneDot(FVector P)
bool Normalize(float Tolerance)
FPlane Flip()
bool __eq(FPlane V)
float Pitch
float Yaw
float Roll
string __tostring()
FRotator __add(FRotator R)
FRotator __sub(FRotator R)
bool __eq(FRotator R)
FRotator __mul(float Scale)
bool IsZero()
bool IsNearlyZero(float Tolerance)
bool Equals(FRotator R, float Tolerance)
FRotator GetInverse()
FRotator GridSnap(FRotator RotGrid)
FVector Euler()
FVector RotateVector(FVector V)
FVector UnrotateVector(FVector V)
FRotator Clamp()
FRotator GetNormalized()
FRotator GetDenormalized()
void Normalize()
float GetManhattanDistance(FRotator Rotator)
FVector Vector()
static float NormalizeAxis(float Angle)
float R
float G
float B
float A
string __tostring()
FLinearColor __add(FLinearColor ColorB)
FLinearColor __sub(FLinearColor ColorB)
bool __eq(FLinearColor ColorB)
FLinearColor __mul(FLinearColor ColorB)
FLinearColor __div(FLinearColor ColorB)
FLinearColor LinearRGBToHSV()
FLinearColor HSVToLinearRGB()
FLinearColor Desaturate(float Desaturation)
float GetLuminance()
bool IsAlmostBlack()
FColor ToFColor(bool bSRGB)
static FLinearColor MakeFromHSV8(integer H, integer S, integer V)
static FLinearColor MakeRandomColor()
static FLinearColor MakeFromColorTemperature(float Temp)
static FLinearColor LerpUsingHSV(FLinearColor From, FLinearColor To, float Progress)
integer G
integer B
integer R
integer A
string __tostring()
bool __eq(FColor C)
FVector Min
FVector Max
integer IsValid
string __tostring()
bool __eq(FBox Other)
FBox __add(FVector Other)
float ComputeSquaredDistanceToPoint(FVector Point)
FBox ShiftBy(FVector Offset)
FBox MoveTo(FVector Destination)
FVector GetCenter()
void GetCenterAndExtents(FVector center, FVector Extents)
FVector GetClosestPointTo(FVector Point)
FVector GetExtent()
FVector GetSize()
float GetVolume()
bool Intersect(FBox other)
bool IntersectXY(FBox Other)
FBox Overlap(FBox Other)
bool IsVectorInside(FVector In)
bool IsBoxInside(FVector In)
bool IsInsideOrOn(FVector In)
bool IsVectorInsideXY(FVector In)
bool IsBoxInsideXY(FVector In)
static FBox BuildAABB(FVector Origin, FVector Extent)
FVector Center
float W
bool Equals(FSphere Sphere, float Tolerance)
bool Intersects(FSphere Other, float Tolerance)
float GetVolume()
bool IsSphereInside(FSphere Other, float Tolerance)
bool IsVectorInside(FSphere Other, float Tolerance)
FSphere __add(FSphere Other)
FVector Origin
FVector BoxExtent
float SphereRadius
string __tostring()
bool __eq(FBoxSphereBounds Other)
FBoxSphereBounds __add(FBoxSphereBounds Other)
float ComputeSquaredDistanceFromBoxToPoint(FVector Point)
FBox GetBox()
FVector GetBoxExtrema(integer Extrema)
FSphere GetSphere()
FBoxSphereBounds ExpandBy(float ExpandAmount)
static bool SpheresIntersect(FBoxSphereBounds A, FBoxSphereBounds B, float Tolerance)
static bool BoxesIntersect(FBoxSphereBounds A, FBoxSphereBounds B)
FVector_NetQuantize Location
FVector_NetQuantize ImpactPoint
FVector_NetQuantizeNormal Normal
FVector_NetQuantizeNormal ImpactNormal
float Distance
float Time
integer FaceIndex
FVector_NetQuantize TraceStart
FVector_NetQuantize TraceEnd
float PenetrationDepth
bool IsValidBlockingHit()
static FHitResult GetReversedHit(FHitResult Hit)
static EObjectTypeQuery ConvertToObjectType(ECollisionChannel CollisionChannel)
static ETraceTypeQuery ConvertToTraceType(ECollisionChannel CollisionChannel)
EAttachmentRule LocationRule
EAttachmentRule RotationRule
EAttachmentRule ScaleRule
bool bWeldSimulatedBodies
EDetachmentRule LocationRule
EDetachmentRule RotationRule
EDetachmentRule ScaleRule
bool bCallModify
FRotator RInterpTo(FRotator Current, FRotator Target, float DeltaTime, float InterpSpeed)
FRotator RInterpConstantTo(FRotator Current, FRotator Target, float DeltaTime, float InterpSpeed)
FVector VInterpTo(FVector Current, FVector Target, float DeltaTime, float InterpSpeed)
FVector VInterpConstantTo(FVector Current, FVector Target, float DeltaTime, float InterpSpeed)
float FInterpTo(float Current, float Target, float DeltaTime, float InterpSpeed)
float FInterpConstantTo(float Current, float Target, float DeltaTime, float InterpSpeed)
float ClampAngle(float AngleDegrees, float MinAngleDegrees, float MaxAngleDegrees)
FHitResult LineTraceSingle(UObject Object, FVector Start, FVector End, ETraceTypeQuery TraceChannel, bool bTraceComplex, Table LuaActorsToIgnore, EDrawDebugTrace DrawDebugType, bool bIgnoreSelf, FLinearColor TraceColor, FLinearColor TraceHitColor, float DrawTime)
Table LineTraceMulti(UObject Object, FVector Start, FVector End, ETraceTypeQuery TraceChannel, bool bTraceComplex, Table LuaActorsToIgnore, EDrawDebugTrace DrawDebugType, bool bIgnoreSelf, FLinearColor TraceColor, FLinearColor TraceHitColor, float DrawTime)
FHitResult SphereTraceSingle(UObject Object, FVector Start, FVector End, float Radius, ETraceTypeQuery TraceChannel, bool bTraceComplex, Table LuaActorsToIgnore, EDrawDebugTrace DrawDebugType, bool bIgnoreSelf, FLinearColor TraceColor, FLinearColor TraceHitColor, float DrawTime)
FHitResult BoxTraceSingle(UObject Object, FVector Start, FVector End, FVector HalfSize, FRotator Orientation, ETraceTypeQuery TraceChannel, bool bTraceComplex, Table LuaActorsToIgnore, EDrawDebugTrace DrawDebugType, bool bIgnoreSelf, FLinearColor TraceColor, FLinearColor TraceHitColor, float DrawTime)
FHitResult CapsuleTraceSingle(UObject Object, FVector Start, FVector End, float Radius, float HalfHeight, ETraceTypeQuery TraceChannel, bool bTraceComplex, Table LuaActorsToIgnore, EDrawDebugTrace DrawDebugType, bool bIgnoreSelf, FLinearColor TraceColor, FLinearColor TraceHitColor, float DrawTime)
Table_AActor SphereOverlapActors(UObject Object, FVector SpherePos, float SphereRadius, Table_EObjectTypeQuery LuaObjectTypes, UClass ActorClassFilter, Table_AActor LuaActorsToIgnore)
Table_AActor BoxOverlapActors(UObject Object, FVector BoxPos, FVector BoxExtent, Table_EObjectTypeQuery LuaObjectTypes, UClass ActorClassFilter, Table_AActor LuaActorsToIgnore)
Table_AActor CapsuleOverlapActors(UObject Object, FVector CapsulePos, float Radius, float HalfHeight, Table_EObjectTypeQuery LuaObjectTypes, UClass ActorClassFilter, Table_AActor LuaActorsToIgnore)
string GetDisplayName(UObject LuaObject)
FRotator MakeRotationFromAxes(FVector Forward, FVector Right, FVector Up)
FRotator FindLookAtRotation(FVector Start, FVector Target)
FRotator MakeRotFromX(FVector X)
FRotator MakeRotFromY(FVector Y)
FRotator MakeRotFromZ(FVector Z)
FRotator MakeRotFromXY(FVector X, FVector Y)
FRotator MakeRotFromXZ(FVector X, FVector Z)
FRotator MakeRotFromYX(FVector Y, FVector X)
FRotator MakeRotFromYZ(FVector Y, FVector Z)
FRotator MakeRotFromZX(FVector Z, FVector X)
FRotator MakeRotFromZY(FVector Z, FVector Y)
FRotator ComposeRotators(FRotator A, FRotator B)
FRotator RotatorFromAxisAndAngle(FVector Axis, float Angle)
The clamped angle. ClampAxis(The angle to clamp. Angle)
The clamped angle. NormalizeAxis(The Angle to clamp. Angle)
The closest point on the line to the given point. FindClosestPointOnLine(for which we find the closest point on the line. Point Point, of reference on the line. LineOrigin Point, Direction of the line. Not required to be normalized. LineDirection)
FVector GetForwardVector(FRotator InRot)
FVector GetRightVector(FRotator InRot)
FVector GetUpVector(FRotator InRot)
FRotator RLerp(FRotator A, FRotator B, float Alpha, bool bShortestPath)
FRotator REase(FRotator A, FRotator B, float Alpha, bool bShortestPath, EEasingFunc::Type EasingFunc, float BlendExp, integer Steps)
FRotator NormalizedDeltaRotator(FRotator A, FRotator B)
V projected on to Target. ProjectVectorOnToVector(Vector to project. V, Vector on which we are projecting. Target)
FVector RandomUnitVector()
FVector RandomPointInBoundingBox(FVector Origin, FVector BoxExtent)
FVector RandomUnitVectorInConeInRadians(FVector ConeDir, float ConeHalfAngleInRadians)
inline FVector RandomUnitVectorInConeInDegrees(FVector ConeDir, float ConeHalfAngleInDegrees)
FVector CreateVectorFromYawPitch(float Yaw, float Pitch, float Length)
float GridSnap_Float(float Location, float GridSize)
float Abs(float A)
float Sin(float A)
float Asin(float A)
float Cos(float A)
float Acos(float A)
float Tan(float A)
float Atan(float A)
float Atan2(float Y, float X)
float Exp(float A)
float Log(float A, float Base)
float Loge(float A)
float Sqrt(float A)
float Square(float A)
float RandomFloatInRange(float Min, float Max)
float GetPI()
float GetTAU()
float DegreesToRadians(float A)
float RadiansToDegrees(float A)
float FClamp(float Value, float Min, float Max)
float NormalizeToRange(float Value, float RangeMin, float RangeMax)
float MapRangeUnclamped(float Value, float InRangeA, float InRangeB, float OutRangeA, float OutRangeB)
float MapRangeClamped(float Value, float InRangeA, float InRangeB, float OutRangeA, float OutRangeB)
Pulsating value (0.0-1.0) MakePulsatingValue(Current absolute time InCurrentTime, How many full pulses per second? InPulsesPerSecond, Optional phase amount, between 0.0 and 1.0 (to synchronize pulses) InPhase)
KeepRelative = 0
KeepWorld = 1
SnapToTarget = 2
KeepRelative = 0
KeepWorld = 1
AnimationBlueprint = 0
AnimationSingleNode = 1
AnimationCustomMode = 2
None = 0
TeleportPhysics = 1
ResetPhysics = 2
TraceTypeQuery1 = 0
TraceTypeQuery2 = 1
TraceTypeQuery3 = 2
TraceTypeQuery4 = 3
TraceTypeQuery5 = 4
TraceTypeQuery6 = 5
TraceTypeQuery7 = 6
TraceTypeQuery8 = 7
TraceTypeQuery9 = 8
TraceTypeQuery10 = 9
TraceTypeQuery11 = 10
TraceTypeQuery12 = 11
TraceTypeQuery13 = 12
TraceTypeQuery14 = 13
TraceTypeQuery15 = 14
TraceTypeQuery16 = 15
TraceTypeQuery17 = 16
TraceTypeQuery18 = 17
TraceTypeQuery19 = 18
TraceTypeQuery20 = 19
TraceTypeQuery21 = 20
TraceTypeQuery22 = 21
TraceTypeQuery23 = 22
TraceTypeQuery24 = 23
TraceTypeQuery25 = 24
TraceTypeQuery26 = 25
TraceTypeQuery27 = 26
TraceTypeQuery28 = 27
TraceTypeQuery29 = 28
TraceTypeQuery30 = 29
TraceTypeQuery31 = 30
TraceTypeQuery32 = 31
ObjectTypeQuery1 = 0
ObjectTypeQuery2 = 1
ObjectTypeQuery3 = 2
ObjectTypeQuery4 = 3
ObjectTypeQuery5 = 4
ObjectTypeQuery6 = 5
ObjectTypeQuery7 = 6
ObjectTypeQuery8 = 7
ObjectTypeQuery9 = 8
ObjectTypeQuery10 = 9
ObjectTypeQuery11 = 10
ObjectTypeQuery12 = 11
ObjectTypeQuery13 = 12
ObjectTypeQuery14 = 13
ObjectTypeQuery15 = 14
ObjectTypeQuery16 = 15
ObjectTypeQuery17 = 16
ObjectTypeQuery18 = 17
ObjectTypeQuery19 = 18
ObjectTypeQuery20 = 19
ObjectTypeQuery21 = 20
ObjectTypeQuery22 = 21
ObjectTypeQuery23 = 22
ObjectTypeQuery24 = 23
ObjectTypeQuery25 = 24
ObjectTypeQuery26 = 25
ObjectTypeQuery27 = 26
ObjectTypeQuery28 = 27
ObjectTypeQuery29 = 28
ObjectTypeQuery30 = 29
ObjectTypeQuery31 = 30
ObjectTypeQuery32 = 31
ECC_WorldStatic = 0
ECC_WorldDynamic = 1
ECC_Pawn = 2
ECC_Visibility = 3
ECC_Camera = 4
ECC_PhysicsBody = 5
ECC_Vehicle = 6
ECC_Destructible = 7
ECC_EngineTraceChannel2 = 9
ECC_EngineTraceChannel3 = 10
ECC_EngineTraceChannel4 = 11
ECC_EngineTraceChannel5 = 12
ECC_EngineTraceChannel6 = 13
ECC_GameTraceChannel1 = 14
ECC_GameTraceChannel2 = 15
ECC_GameTraceChannel3 = 16
ECC_GameTraceChannel4 = 17
ECC_GameTraceChannel5 = 18
ECC_GameTraceChannel6 = 19
ECC_GameTraceChannel7 = 20
ECC_GameTraceChannel8 = 21
ECC_GameTraceChannel9 = 22
ECC_GameTraceChannel10 = 23
ECC_GameTraceChannel11 = 24
ECC_GameTraceChannel12 = 25
ECC_GameTraceChannel13 = 26
ECC_GameTraceChannel14 = 27
ECC_GameTraceChannel15 = 28
ECC_GameTraceChannel16 = 29
ECC_GameTraceChannel17 = 30
ECC_GameTraceChannel18 = 31
ECR_Ignore = 0
ECR_Overlap = 1
ECR_Block = 2
MOVE_None = 0
MOVE_Walking = 1
MOVE_NavWalking = 2
MOVE_Falling = 3
MOVE_Swimming = 4
MOVE_Flying = 5
MOVE_Custom = 6
Linear = 0
Step = 1
SinusoidalIn = 2
SinusoidalOut = 3
SinusoidalInOut = 4
EaseIn = 5
EaseOut = 6
EaseInOut = 7
ExpoIn = 8
ExpoOut = 9
ExpoInOut = 10
CircularIn = 11
CircularOut = 12
CircularInOut = 13
BLEND_Opaque = 0
BLEND_Masked = 1
BLEND_Translucent = 2
BLEND_Additive = 3
BLEND_Modulate = 4
BLEND_AlphaComposite = 5
BLEND_AlphaHoldout = 6
IE_Pressed = 0
IE_Released = 1
IE_Repeat = 2
IE_DoubleClick = 3
IE_Axis = 4
None = 0
ForOneFrame = 1
ForDuration = 2
Persistent = 3
NoCollision = 0
QueryOnly = 1
PhysicsOnly = 2
QueryAndPhysics = 3
Static = 0
Stationary = 1
Movable = 2
EHTA_Left = 0
EHTA_Center = 1
EHTA_Right = 2
EVRTA_TextTop = 0
EVRTA_TextCenter = 1
EVRTA_TextBottom = 2
EVRTA_QuadTop = 3
Unitless = 0
Candelas = 1
Lumens = 2
SurfaceDefault = 0
SurfaceSoft = 1
SurfaceAsphalt = 2
SurfaceGround = 3
SurfaceGrass = 4
SurfaceSand = 5
SurfaceMetal = 6
SurfaceGlass = 7
KeepRelativeOffset = 0
KeepWorldPosition = 1
SnapToTarget = 2
SnapToTargetIncludingScale = 3
CastedType Cast(UClass Class, UObject Object)
UWorld GetWorld()
UWeaponIdentifier GetWeaponIdentifier()
void DrawTexture(UTexture LuaTexture, float ScreenX, float ScreenY, float Scale, bool bScalePosition)
integer DrawTextureEx(any L)
void DrawMaterial(UMaterialInterface LuaMaterialInterface, float ScreenX, float ScreenY, float ScreenW, float ScreenH, float Scale, bool bScalePosition)
bool AddPostProcessMaterial(string Name, UMaterialInterface LuaMaterialInterface)
bool RemovePostProcessMaterial(string Name)
string GetPathNameSafe(UObject LuaObject)
string GetNameSafe(UObject LuaObject)