
From Onset Developer Wiki
Revision as of 12:32, 31 December 2023 by Mike Thurian (talk | contribs) (Setup: added information how to go back from beta to public builds)
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If you would like to run the Onset Server with Docker check out the OnsetDocker guide.

Windows Server

Minimum requirements

  • Development: Windows 10
  • Production: Windows Server 2012 or later
  • Single core processor with SSE2 instructions
  • 50 MB disk space and 100 MB RAM


Download steamcmd as described on this page:

Open a Command Window (cmd.exe) and navigate to your steamcmd folder. Run steamcmd.exe


Set the install directory for the Onset server files.

force_install_dir <Your Path to the Serverfiles.> | Example: C:/OnsetServer/

Login to steam as anonymous

login anonymous

Download the server application.

app_update 1204170 validate

[IMPORTANT] if you have a new beta version but want to go back to the last public build you have to reinstall SteamCMD!

Exit SteamCMD


Linux Server

We recommend Linux for production servers.

Minimum requirements

  • Ubuntu 18.04, Debian 10 (with openssl installed)
  • Single core processor with SSE2 instructions
  • 50 MB disk space and 100 MB RAM
  • Packages: curl, nano, openssl


As root install the following package.

apt-get install lib32gcc1

Ubuntu 20.04

apt-get install lib32gcc-s1

  • Make sure you run the server on a user without superuser rights. We recommend to add a new user for this step.

Create a new directory for the Onset server.

mkdir Steam

Install SteamCMD

curl -sqL "" | tar zxvf -

Start SteamCMD


Set the install directory for the Onset server files.

force_install_dir ./OnsetServer/

Login to steam as anonymous

login anonymous

Download the server application.

app_update 1204170 validate

Exit SteamCMD



cd OnsetServer

  • Edit the server_config.json file nano server_config.json. Info on the config file: server_config.

nano server_config.json

  • Once you are done with editing press CTRL+X and then Y to save the config file.
  • Run ./ to start your server. The shell file sets the environment path so the server finds the required SteamAPI files.

Gamemode Packages

Packages make up all of your server. Please see this wiki entry (packages) on how to get started with them.

Game Compatibility Version Number

The parameter "--version" displays server version information. The compatibility number determines what clients can connect. Game and server must have the same compatibility number for the connection to succeed. The version number does not matter in this case.

Command line arguments

The parameter "--help" displays available command line options.

Network Ports

The dedicated server requires 3 network ports to be open.

  • UDP 7777 - Game
  • UDP 7776 - Server query
  • TCP 7775 - HTTP server, file downloads

Ports can be changed in the server_config.

Hostname customization

You can use bbcodes and UTF8 icons in your hostnames.

Example hostname:

[g]🌴 [c=#00ff00]T alos Onset[/c] [c=red]Test[/c] [c=yellow]Server[/c] 🗽 [b]LIT AF[/b] 🚬🔥 [i]бабушка[/i] 🔫 + 💊 = 🚨 [u][b]NOICE[/b][/u] OK come on in 👀[/g]

Master server & server query

Steam Master Server: Query for appid 1105810 to get Onset servers.